General Product Information, Artwork & Imagin’ Applications
Product Overview:
X-otic Colours Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer, product number 34-200, is a non-catalyzed, multi-function product that serves the following purposes:
1. It is a Protective Cleer Coat when artwork or graphics are applied on a basecoat. The product protectsthe Basecoat from tape pulls and miss-tapes.
2. It is used as a Bonding Coat applied before the expiration of a Basecoat re-coat window when that application or application sequence is interrupted.
3. It is a fast drying Jammin’ Coat that is most often tinted to match Candee Mid-Coats. As a Jammin’ coat it was designed to rapidly attain depth of colour to match Candee Mid-Coats, shorten application times, and to minimize the number of application coats. One or two coats of Production Cleer, product 32-200, should be applied over Jammin’ Coats in areas susceptible to damage or chemical intrusions. If a Candee Mid-Coat is not being applied, most custom painters use their Pearl or Metallic Basecoats for Jammin’.
Other Uses:
4. It may also be used as a reducer in Basecoats for seamless blends and invisible touch-ups.
5. For experimentation and artistic creativity, this product is an excellent carrier of pearls, mirage pearls, and other products within our system.
Note: Protective/ Bonding & Jammin’ Cleer requires X-otic Colours Fast Reducer, product number 50-111.
Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer should never be used as a final exterior cleer coat. For a final cleer, select X-otic Colours Sun-Bloct Final Cleer, product number 32-100.
Do not use as a multi-coat rapid film builder. For rapid film building use X-otic Colours Production Cleer, product number 32-200.
Do not apply more than 4 coats of Protective/ Bonding/ Jammin Cleer in one application sequence.
All recommendations made are based on minimum shop temperatures of 70º F. Re-coat times can be dramatically affected by temperature. Lower temperatures will create longer cure and dry times. Higher temperatures will shorten cure and dry times.
Preparation for use of this Product:
Important Safety Note: Wear correct safety equipment, including: respirator, goggles, gloves, painters suit, and a properly fitted NIOSH approved respirator.
This product requires no catalyst. It does require X-otic Colours fast reducer product number 50–111.
If artistic applications are planned, use quality tapes to reduce adhesive transfer. Have 500 to 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper on hand. We suggest wet sanding with a small amount of non-film forming dishwashing liquid added to the water. Wet sanding limits transfer of body oils during sanding, allows abrasives to conform to object contours, and helps prevent sandpaper from clogging. Limit direct hand contact with the object to reduce surface contamination. You will need lint and contamination free wiping and drying materials. Wear lint free gloves when working on dry surfaces.
1. Stir or shake the product aggressively before use.
2. Reduce with Fast Urethane reducer, X-otic-Colours Reducer product number 50-111. No other reducer should be used in this product.
3. Accurately measure 2 parts of Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer to one measured part Fast Urethane Reducer. This is the equivalent of a 50% reduction.
Strain mixture into gun cup using a fine mesh cone strainer.
Always allow sufficient “flash off” time between coats. Each successive coat of Protective/ Bonding/ Jammin’ Cleer that is applied must be just dry to the touch. This will typically occur in less than fifteen minutes depending on shop conditions. Never apply more than four coats in one application.
Protective Use Of The Product:
General Information:
There are many methods for applying artwork and graphics. Experienced custom painters have developed their own processes and special application techniques. We wish to provide general information that will be of assistance. We also refer you to additional information in your public library, along with specialized magazines that cater to custom painters interested in the artistic applications of custom paint.
Never apply artistic tape-outs to a Metallic or Pearl Basecoat that has not been protected with Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer. For artistic layouts: limit ungloved contact with the surface; limit tape contact;use light application pressure with tape to reduce adhesive transfer to Basecoats; allow minimum “flash off“ time on the artistic application coat which will limit adhesive transfer when the tape is removed.
Important: Bleeding is often encountered in artistic applications. Prior to performing artistic applications, conduct a bleeding test as outlined in these directions.
Application Directions for Protection: (Protective use for artistic and graphic applications)
1. Test Spray – adjust air pressure, fan, and paint flow to suit the spray equipment being used.
2. Gun Distance 6 inches – using a 50% overlap pattern.
3. When the last Basecoat application has just dried to the touchl, apply two medium coats of Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer. This will help prevent the removal of pearl platelets, metallic flakes, and lifting of Basecoats from tape pulls and miss- tapes.
4. The Protective/ Bonding/ Jammin Cleer should be allowed to dry one hour.
5. Then lightly wet sand with 500 grit wet/dry sandpaper. Wash, rinse, and dry.
6. Apply artistic coats.
7. Allow each coat to just dry to the touch and then commence with topcoat applications as soon as the tape is removed.
Note: When applying multiple successive artistic applications of any of the following Basecoats: Sparklin’ Metallic Basecoats; our four Pearl Basecoats; or Mirage or Mirage Imagin’ Basecoats, applications of Protective/ Bonding/ Jammin’ Cleer must be applied to each artistic application to protect from damage when tape-outs are pulled. Follow the directions above.
Note: Solid Colour Basecoats, when used for artistic application coats, are typically allowed to dry for one hour. They are then lightly wet sanded with 500 grit wet/dry sandpaper. Wash, rinse, and dry. The next artistic application is then applied directly to the solid colour Basecoat without using Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin Cleer. However, the last solid colour basecoat that is used for artistic application should be just dry to the touch and topcoats should then be applied. If it is not possible to commence topcoat within this re-coat window – allow to dry for one hour and wet sand as discussed above.
Note: We do not recommend the use of solvents to remove adhesives. We suggest no solvent wipes or washes from this point forward. Some custom painters use 500 to 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper to remove adhesive transferred from tape pulls.
Bleeding that may be Encountered in Custom Painting & Suggested Solutions:
Some colours may bleed into artistic applications (usually very dark colours that carry higher concentrations of tint pastes or toners). A simple precautionary step to determine if bleeding will occur is to perform a small trial application. This trial application has saved many custom painters from unexpected problems during actual applications. A trial application can save labor, material, and money.
We suggest you perform the trial application on the scrap item you used and saved from your test spraying of Primer Coats. Apply all products – Basecoat through Cleer Coats – using the same application sequence planned for your artistic application. Allow recommended dry time between coats. If bleeding occurs during the trial application, specific steps will be required and are outlined below.
There are typically two types of bleeding:
* Type I: Bleeding when an artistic application is applied on a protected Basecoat — (a protected Basecoat is a Basecoat on which Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer has been applied).
* Type II: Bleeding when an artistic application is applied over a catalyzed Candee Mid-Coat.
A Suggested Solution to Type I Bleeding:
Allow the last Basecoat application to dry dull and become just dry to the touch. Apply 2 medium coats of Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer, product number 34-200. Allow to dry one hour. Lightly wet sand with 500 grit wet/dry sandpaper. Wash, rinse, and dry. Then apply 3 unreduced medium coats of Production Cleer, product number 32-200, (requires catalyst). See Product Application Directions for Production Cleer, Section 6-SBD-PCD. Use a simple tack test to determine re-coat times for Production Cleer.
Tack Test: Each coat should become tacky to the touch in the last area sprayed before the next coat is applied. When this test is performed, there should be no evidence of “cobwebs” between your finger and the tested area when the finger is lifted. However, the surface must remain tacky before the next coat is applied. Monitoring this drying process is critical.
Allow the final coat of Production Cleer to cure for a minimum of 12 hours. Wet sand with 500 grit wet/dry sandpaper. Apply artistic application. This procedure will prevent bleeding of the Basecoat into artistic coats when topcoats are applied.
Note: If any Production Cleer Coat becomes dry to the touch before it can be re-coated, specific steps must be taken as outline in Product Application Directions, Section 6-SBD-PCD.
Otherwise lifting will occur.
A Suggested Solution to Type II Bleeding:
If artistic applications are planned after the application of Candee Mid-Coats, let the final Candee Mid-Coat cure for a minimum of 12 hours. Wet sand with 500 grit wet/dry sandpaper. Wash, rinse, and dry. Then apply 3 unreduced medium coats of Production Cleer, product number 32-200 (requires catalyst).
Use the tack test between coats of Production Cleer. Each coat should become tacky in the last area sprayed before the next coat is applied. When this test is performed, there should be no evidence of “cobwebs” between your finger and the tested area when the finger is lifted. However, the surface must remain tacky. Monitoring this drying process is critical.
Allow the final coat of Production Cleer to cure for a minimum of 12 hours. Wet sand with 500 grit wet/dry. Wash, rinse, and dry. Apply artistic application. This procedure will prevent bleeding of the Candee Mid-Coat into artistic coats when topcoats are applied.
Note: If any Production Cleer Coat becomes dry to the touch before it can be re-coated, specific steps must be taken as outline in Product Application Directions, Section 6-SBD-PCD. Otherwise lifting may occur.
Bonding Use of the Product:
General Information:
For most coats, in X-otic Colours Custom Painting System, rapid successive re-coating is essential. This requires careful planning. Re-coats should be applied as soon as possible, often less than fifteen minutes. This promotes maximum merging of coats. As more time elapses between coats – less merging or adhesion takes place. Careful monitoring of re-coats is important. Therefore planning your time, application sequence, as well as understanding the use of Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin Cleer is important.
We do not suggest an interruption in an application or sequence of applications. However, the option to interrupt coats or the application sequence has been provided for by using Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin Cleer. This product is not intended as a “cure-all” for poor planning.
We suggest that you should have Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer available if there is an unforeseen interruption or planned interruption in your application schedule. The use of this product will allow you to interrupt a series of uncatalyzed coats or your application sequence.
Important: This product can only be applied to other un-catalyzed coats. It should never be applied to Candee Mid-Coats or any other catalyzed coat.
Important: Do not forget to apply Protective/Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer over Imagin’ Basecoats. If this procedure is not followed Catalyzed Cleer Coats (Sun-Bloct Final Cleer or Production Cleer) will not adhere to Imagin’ Basecoats. This procedure promotes adhesion.
Application Directions For Bonding:
1. Test Spay – adjust air pressure, fan, and paint flow to suit the spray equipment being used.
2. Gun Distance 6 inches – using a 50% overlap pattern.
3. Spray two medium coats of Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer. It should be applied when the coat that is interrupted has just dried to the touch. Do not wait longer than the one hour maximum re-coat window to apply Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer.
4. Allow sufficient drying time between coats of Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer. Each coat must be just dry to the touch before the application of the next coat. Usually less than fifteen minutes. Monitor closely.
The project may now be placed on hold until work can resume. To restart application, lightly wet sand with 500 to 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper. Clean, rinse, and dry. Resume planned application sequence.
Jammin’ Use of the Product:
General Information: Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer is a fast drying Jammin’ product most often tinted to match Candee Mid-Coats. The product was designed to rapidly attain depth of colour to match Candee Mid-Coats, shorten application times, and minimize the number of application coats. Jammin’ Coats will dry to a semi-gloss finish.
Note: Jammin’ Coats are not catalyzed. Therefore, Jammin’ Coats may be susceptible to damage or chemical intrusion. The application of one or two coats of Production Cleer, product number 32-200, will increase gloss, increase scuff resistance, and assist in limiting damage from chemical intrusion.
Application of the Product for Jammin’:
1. Surface should be prepared according to Project Preparation Directions, Section 2-PPD.
2. Test Spay – adjust air pressure, fan, and paint flow to suit the spray equipment being used.
3. Gun Distance 6 inches – using a 50% overlap pattern.
4. Spray 1-2 medium coats or until depth of colour is obtained.
5. Each coat must be just dry to the touch before the application of the next coat. Usually less than fifteen minutes. Monitor closely.
For Jammin’ applications, the final Jammin’ coat will dry to a semi-gloss finish. Sanding will be required to promote adhesion if a high gloss is desired. For high gloss, lightly sand with 500 grit wet/dry sandpaper and apply two coats of catalyzed Production Cleer, product number 32-200. Refer to Product Application Directions, Section 6-SBD-PCD.
Other Uses of the Product:
For seamless blends and invisible touch ups, use Protective/ Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer, product number 34-200, in all of our uncatalyzed Basecoats at a concentration of approximately 10%. Never use in our Candee Mid-Coats that are catalyzed.
For artistic creativity and experimentation this product may be used as the base to carry our tint pastes, toners, pearls and metallic flakes.