1. The X-otic Colours, Inc. Custom Painting Product Line (Primers, Basecoats, Candee
Mid-Coats, Jammin’ Coats, Reducers, Protective/Bonding/ & Jammin’ Cleer, Production Cleer
and Sun-Bloct Final Cleer) and the Product Application Directions Booklet
2. Basic hand, power sanding, and body repairing tools
3. Quality plastic fillers and glazes that require a hardener
4. Correct abrasives for preparation
5. Clean shop, spray booth, or suitable spraying area
6. Quality application equipment
7. Contamination free air supply
8. Quality filtering materials for paint
9. Properly fitted, NIOSH approved respirator effective for isocyanate vapors & mist, and
safety equipment, (goggles, gloves, etc.)
10. Quality masking tapes and masking paper
11. Lint free disposable painters suit
12. Lint free gloves
13. Lint and contamination free wiping cloths
14. Quality Liquid Cleaners
15. Correct abrasives for finishing
16. Quality polishes and waxes
17. Fire Extinguisher
Your local jobber has these quality products and supplies available as outlined above and will assist you with your purchases.